Interestingly, this very same salute was featured in the Star Trek episode The Way to Eden, which featured a group of annoying mindless hippies who were following a cult leader to the mythological planet of Eden, where they would eschew technology and live in peace and happiness forever. They would give each other the very same salute presented here. “Squares” (or rigid, conservative people) were called “Herberts.” Their mindless dippy singing and prancing truly makes this episode almost unbearable to watch - much like the Funky Monkey's mindless supporters make him insufferable.
So Hussein is running his campaign based on Star Trek episodes now? As opposed to the way it was being run before, based on American Idol? This would almost be funny if it weren't deadly serious and might not lead to a bubble-lipped monkey in the White House with his hand on the Button.
My salute to him and his supporters involves only one finger.
Looks like a two-handed circle jerk to me...
Great, just what wee need...a President throwing signs like a street nigger. That'll impress Putin.
Ook! Eek!
I think I saw the "O" used first on the "gay niggers from outer space" video.
Niggers stink.
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