You know, guys, as much as I hate to give Jews a nod for anything, in Israel they've got their teeth into this story about Obama's fake birth certificate and they're not letting go. This is a story you simply don't see anywhere in the American news media. So credit where credit is due:
Looks like the hebes weren't impressed with all that bowing and scraping the Funky Monkey did when he toured Iz-ra-hell last week. BO, mah nigga, you ain't getting the Jew concession, and that spells trouble for your black ass, homes.
Siwwy wabbit. Niggers don't have to obey the law or the Constitution. They're special.
It doesn't matter where that niggledy-piggledy was born. Evolution is bunkum, but Barry Boy most definitely IS descended from an ape, and as such he can't be president.
Siwwy wabbit. Niggers don't have to obey the law or the Constitution. They're special.
Actually, this confirms that a very good case can be made that Obama is some kind of plant or Manchurian candidate.
So it would be fair to say that the Obama candidacy is in fact an ongoing felony and an act of criminal conspiracy?
Obama is a Stepin Fetchit, but who's giving him his orders?
It doesn't matter where that niggledy-piggledy was born. Evolution is bunkum, but Barry Boy most definitely IS descended from an ape, and as such he can't be president.
Perhaps some of the YouTubers out there can get the word out? It seems to work for that Alex Jones as his videos are all over the place.
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