Arrogant Obama Picks Biden And Not Hillary
Thanks Obama, for making my job so much easier in the fall when I vote for John McCain to vote AGAINST you in November. Thanks for insulting Hillary and her millions of supporters by not even bothering to vet her for vice president. Thanks for insulting women and going against your own claims of being a “different face” in the White House by choosing a white MAN to be your vice president. And thanks for being stupid enough to think that you can win without Hillary. You’ve now lost the election. Good job!
Now let's see what Mommy Dearest has up her sleeve for the convention. Will the Berg lawsuit feature prominently in the coffee shop and bar scuttlebutt, along with whispers of Hussein's Constititional ineligibility for the office of President? If not, we'll know the fix is really in.
I sure as hell hope Hillary has the balls to do something about this ape. Like so-called white men don't.
What gets me is that every white person in America knows these shitskins are inferior, they're just too pussy-whipped to say it.
The Founding Fathers considered blacks to the 3/5 of a man for census purposes. They're not even that. Blacks are incapable of a moral sense and are utterly incapable of holding public office or exercising responsibility and trust, which is why they always end up getting arrested for assorted acts of corruption and criminality.
She's GOT to be planning something at the convention. I just can't see anyone, Hillary or not, giving up a lifelong dream to some high-yellow bush ape who comes out of nowhere with nothing but a toothy grin and a nappy head.
The O-man fuk that white ho.
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