Okay, I'm going to be working up some serious raves for this site, but before I do, I need to post a public warning. We should always assume that, in the 1984-like world of Jug-Ears and the Sea Hag and BO, we are under surveillance at all times. However, assuming is one thing and knowing is something else.
I now have been given actual and indisputable proof that this web site is being monitored by the secret police. I have a moral duty to my readers to warn them of that fact. My name is not Tom Metzger, and I will not lead my readers and supporters into a trap just for money or to feed my own ego. This web site contains forbidden words and ideas. The government seriously does not want you reading it, and it is entirely possible that visiting this site could "get you into trouble" in whatever form the regime chooses to dish it out, to those palefaces whose minds are insufficiently under control, and who wish to partake of the forbidden fruit of knowledge.
I have considered disabling the comments section altogether, so as to shield your IP addresses from surveillance and maybe keep some of you from getting into the regime's databases, but as a believer in freedom of speech and in the old pre-9/11 Constitution, as little as it was honored even before September 11th, I realize that is not my decision to make. It would in essence be silencing some of you and giving the tyrant what he wants.
So here is what we will do:
You can, if you choose, e-mail your comments to me at nwnet@earthlink.net or harold_covington@hotmail.com or any of my other e-mails addresses which are known to some of you but maybe not to our friends in the silk suits. I will then re-post your comments to the Tyrannicide or Thoughtcrime blogs myself, either anonymously or using a pseudonym of your choice.
Even this may sound a bit paranoid, but you don't want a couple of our friends with the broken noses showing up at your workplace one day and losing you your job, just because you visited the wrong web site.
To hell with them. I won't broadcast my name and address, but if they find out who I am, fuck 'em. I don't let the government tell me what web sites I can look at.
Who's Tom Metzger?
Thank you for your inspiring message. Thank god somebody has the balls to say it. Our
friends with earpieces has been watching me since my court martial so fuck it. Stay strong
I'm 62, so there's not much they can do to me any more. The ZOG secret police can kiss my ass.
White people have to stop being afraid some time.
In times such as these, the wrong side of the law is the only place for any man of honor and integrity to be.
Fuck big brother.
I used to work for the government and it can kiss my white ass.
Do right and fear no one.
Doing right won't save you from ZOG if by 'doing right' you mean being a good, moral, law-abiding citizen trying to get on with everyone. If you mean 'pick up a gun and blow their heads off' then fine.
My first time here. Very enlightening and funny. As a conservative Christian, I do not fear. "They" can never take my faith. Good luck, Dude!
PS: RE: Why Can't Anyone GO FIRST?
You said it!
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