Remember de Revvund Wright? Remember Michelle's crazed Hate Whitey rant in the same church, after they were supposed to have left it? Remember BO's childhood in a Muslim madrassah in a foreign country? Remember his drug-dealing past, which he himself admits to in his flaky memoirs? Remember the questions about BO's birth certificate and whether he's even legally and constitutionally eligible to be president?
These stories all disappeared, right off the radar. Poof. Gone in a puff of smoke, along with anything else even remotely critical of the Funky Monkey. The drive-by media want this coon as prez so bad they are willing to overlook anything and let him get away with anything. This nigger could drop his trousers and expose himself on nationwide TV and the media wouldn't report it. When Michelle had her little Whitey outburst they literally made the tape disappear.
The lefties have been bitching and moaning for eight years about our having a President who was not elected, but effectively appointed by the Supreme Court, and so they should. But now it looks like we may get an affirmative action President who was in essence appointed by a left-wing liberal media who refused to do their job, investigate this nigger, and expose his stupidity and his criminal past and find out who the hell is really behind him.
These stories all disappeared, right off the radar. Poof. Gone in a puff of smoke, along with anything else even remotely critical of the Funky Monkey. The drive-by media want this coon as prez so bad they are willing to overlook anything and let him get away with anything. This nigger could drop his trousers and expose himself on nationwide TV and the media wouldn't report it. When Michelle had her little Whitey outburst they literally made the tape disappear.
The lefties have been bitching and moaning for eight years about our having a President who was not elected, but effectively appointed by the Supreme Court, and so they should. But now it looks like we may get an affirmative action President who was in essence appointed by a left-wing liberal media who refused to do their job, investigate this nigger, and expose his stupidity and his criminal past and find out who the hell is really behind him.
I can imagine his first State of the Union address. "My fellow Americans, booga booga booga! Muthefukka! Say what, nugga? Thank you."
Can you imagine the fuck-up this nigger will make of everything if he actually gets in?
Michelle bothers me more than he does. Ugly, ugly, UGLY woman...
Anyone have a link to that video of Michelle?
Some have mused that Obama may be the Anti-Christ. Perhaps. If ever he pulls out a blue cap (read Nostradamus), I may join them. After all, who else at this level of politics in the world today possibly could appeal equally to Christian and Muslim worlds? But, it needn't get that bad for an Obama presidency to be a really bad idea.
he may be made out of teflon but I know one thing that will stick to him...bullets.
ZOG in cahoots with the corporate media used to be more subtle than this. Much more subtle.
I pray to God to save us from the shame of having a beast of the field as our so-called president. An animal cannot be a head of state.
The media should be careful what they ask for. They may get it.
Is there not a single hero remaining amongst us?
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