I think we may have found a new word for nigger, courtesy of the Democratic party. Try it out. “An Obama stole my watch.” “A drunk-ass Obama yelled in the street last night.” “Three Obamas are walking down the middle of the street.” “A bunch of Obamas are torching cars in France.”
Omit the article when referring to a specific Obama: “Obama beat the hell out of her.” “Obama filed a racial harassment lawsuit.” Don’t stop using the word nigge or shine or mooncricket, etc. But, change it up now and then with the new word for nigger: OBAMA
[My own favorite was always the Shakespearean term "Ethiope." Or as we used to call them in Rhodesia, "oxygen wasters." - HAC]
Well I'll be a Obamas Uncle!
I always was partial to "porch monkeys" myself.
"Look at him driving that beat-up Caddy, acting all Obama-rich!"
When I was in Rhodesia we used to call them floppies because of their tendency to flop to the ground when shot.
New terms for these bizarre creatures are always to be welcomed to lighten up our days, but I think 'nigger' is king. You can get such contempt into the word and it makes liberals flinch in a very satisfying way.
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