You know, as odd as it sounds, if God hates this country so badly that for our sins we absolutely must have a monkoid President, I'd actually rather it be someone like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. Those monkoids are known quantities; we know who they are, we know where they're coming from, and everybody already knows they're full of shit.
But no one knows who or what this Funky Monkey is, and more importantly, no one knows who is running him. Hussein has virtually no paper trail and no past, and what little we do know of his past (i.e. Bill Ayers, De Rebbun Wright, and his now-sealed birth records) is quirky and raises even more questions.
I watched a bit of his incredibly expensive infomercial, (paid for by who?) and it confirmed my suspicion that this is one case where "light and bright" doesn't apply. We're looking here at a chimpanzee who has been trained to ride a bicyele. Okay, it's a neat trick, but no one seriously believes that the chimpanzee designed or built the bicycle, or even could have had any conception of the very idea of a bicycle on his own.
So who designed and built the bicycle this chimp is riding on? Who is the little man behind the curtain? Goldfinger-esque trillionaire George Soros? If not him, who? Where the hell is all this money coming from? Even the Kennedies and their old Jew handlers the Bronfmans aren't that rich. Who else besides A) Soros or B) oil-rich Arabs could afford to make millions of dollars per month magically appear in Hussein's coffee-colored paws?
Who is this creature, who is behind him, and why do they want to make him President of the United States?
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