Uncharacteristically Low Turnout for Obama In Green Bay, Wisc.
McCain/Palin Drew 4,000 More Supporters at Same Venue a Week Ago
by Abdon M. Pallasch Staff Reporter
GREEN BAY, Wis. — Hoping to shore up support in his suddenly undependable backyard, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama flew here Monday to talk about how he’d handle economic crises as president. ("Uh, Senator, "We needs money we goes and knocks over a liquor sto'" is not an economic policy.")
Recent polls have shown that Wisconsin — once pretty solidly in Obama’s column — is now a statistical dead heat between Obama and Republican John McCain. (This is because we're talking about all of the people there, not just the lunatic fringe in Milwaukee and Madison who are registered Democrats. Try, try to grasp this, media morons: this isn't still the primaries. Everybody gets to vote in November.)
“You all know that you hold this election in your hands,” Sen. Russ Feingold, a Democrat who said he worked on ethics legislation with Obama, told a crowd of about 6,000 cheering Obama fans in the arena next to Lambeau Field. “We just barely won this state for Al Gore in 2000 and we just barely won this state for John Kerry in 2004.” ("We just barely squeaked through with two dweebs, now we're trying with a nigger. Are we brilliant or what?")
Just a week ago, John McCain and his vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin — who can bring out crowds the way Obama can —' (The way BO used to could. Looks like the bloom is going off the baby-shit brown rose) "appeared in this same stadium, Resch Center, to a crowd of 10,000 fans. There were an uncharacteristic amount of empty orange seats for Obama’s rally."
Monkey Meat is slipping. Americans who have been conditioned and socially engineered since birth never to so much as whisper a negative word about monkoids are starting to take a good long look and say "You've got to be kidding me!" even if only to themselves.
What do you want to bet the Democrats fall back on fraud to shoe-horn this nigger into the White House? Because right now, they can't win honestly and they know it. You can see it in the polls. Given the facts of the last eight years, the Democrats should be able to run a yellow dog and still be 20 points ahead, but instead they chose to run a yellow monkey.
Letting that coon in the White House would defile it, even worse than Bill Clinton.
Hal, I've been saying all along... Hillary wants in there and she sees an opening. Lately Biden has been saying some things that show he's not on the same page as Obongo... and suddenly the stumpy witch is appearing in the news again... GUARANTEE that sometime within the next few weeks, Biden steps down and Hillary steps in as VP candidate, to "save the election." I can see it coming from a mile away.
Sounds like you're falling for the seduction of System politics, Harold.
Ouch! Yeah, it can be seductive all right. That's part of democracy's purpose, to distract people from doing anything that might bring about genuine change.
Ouch! Yeah, it can be seductive all right. That's part of democracy's purpose, to distract people from doing anything that might bring about genuine change.
I love all these monkey pics you have for your Obama stuff.
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