I forced myself to watch a few minutes of Barack Obama maundering on last night, and I tell you, this coon may be light, but he ain't bright. This nigger's as dumb as any blue-gum out of the Bogue Chitto swamp, which is odd, because usually a high percentage of White blood does mean a smarter negro. I hate to say this, but I actually think his flea-bitten pri-mate Michelle may actually be smarter than BO himself.
Hussein doesn't seem to have much of an attention span and he can't think on his feet at all. This was apparently one of those unscripted moments when some reporters broke through his protective cordon of Missing Links and asked the Baby-Shit Brown Messiah about Jug-Ears's beginning of troop withdrawals from Iraq (to send to Afghanistan and Pakistan and plug their fingers in the dike there.)
Hussein literally rolled his eyes, looking around for one of his handlers, none of whom seemed to be around. Then he looked up at the sky and said "Uh....." and then after about twenty seconds of stalling (it's a pity Michelle won't let him smoke, since lighting a cigarette is a good way to stall a conversation while you think of something to say) BO mumbled a few words, literally, so indistinctly you could barely make them out, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the question. Then his handlers arrived, opened up their cordon, and whisked him back inside.
If and when this baboon does get elected to the White House, who the hell will actually be running the country while he spins in his chair in the Oval Office and shoots paper clips from rubber band slingshots at his secretaries (or grabs their tits, since like most niggers he won't be able to keep his fingers out of the cookie jar.) Who is behind this monkoid, since even a cursory watch of a few minutes of TV is enough to indicate that he can't possibly have thought up this President business himself? Never mind the near billion dollars that suddenly materialized out of thin air for his campaign?
He won't get elected. Defeat is written in his face and has been since the RNC introduced Sarah Palin.
Why, the jew David Axelrod, that's who...
Why, the jew David Axelrod, that's who...
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