I would give much to know who's really behind this monkoid. Aunt Jemimas sending him their welfare checks, metrosexual androgynes and odalisques chipping in their botox money, and ditzy Valley Girls who think BO is some kind of American idol making credit card donations don't add up to a quarter billion dollars. One of these days maybe the media will quit worshipping this coon, do their job and investigate the Funky Monkey's finances properly, and then we may all have a surprise coming.
Anyway, the point is, Hussein promised very specifically that he would not do this and would allow his campaign to be restricted to public financing, and he has now completely thrown that out the window and dared anyone to do anything about it.
Guys...your god is just a Chicago street nigger from the South Side Democratic machine. By definition, you can't believe a damned word he says.
Somebody had better find the necessary courage and do what has to be done soon, or else our country will be destroyed by this chimp.
He's black. He is incapable not only of telling the truth, he is incapable of even understanding what the truth is. He has no intellect, only appetites to be sated. He is an animal, and we are about to elect him chief executive.
And what's worse, this maggot will have his hand on the nuclear trigger. Iran will get fried with the canned sunshine about 30 minutes after somebody shows him how to do it. Then we've got BIG problems, as Russia has been Iran's historic ally, and it won't matter if Iran has nukes or not.
Barack Obama is a secret Muslim.
This reminds me why I never look to the mainstream media for any real news anymore. I will tune in if I am curious as to how the media will spin something, but there are damned few reasons to tune in anymore.
put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig.
Put a nigger in the whitehouse and it's still a nigger.
This country hasn't sunken that low yet I hope.
He wants us out of Iraq because we are fighting his family. And his wife is ugly and where did she get her clothes did anybody ask that question. Furthermore he voted against the war. He wasnt even a Senator when the war started. He is stupid.
Super Chimp !! Put him on display at Brookfield Zoo, but no mating privileges.
somebody develope an app that blacks out obama's image and voice from peoples electronics I'm sick of seeing and hearing this fucking anti american nigger
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