Michelle Obama has fleas. No kidding. Her "condition" is generally known throughout her campaign team and has caused problems with cleanup in hotel suites, after she leaves TV studios, and on buses and planes. Apparently she doesn't just have fleas, she has a lot of fleas, to the point where it's noticeable, as in they hop off onto white table cloths at campaign dinners, etc.
BO's Jewish spinmeisters are going batshit trying to keep this from public knowledge, and of course the subservient, Obama-worshipping media are playing along. No one dares to speak to her about it because Hussein himself has placed her off limits, but part of her so-called "image softening" recently reported in the New York Times is supposed to be a diplomatic attempt to get her to bathe more frequently and use a medicated flea soap like vets use.
Just thought you assholes would like to know what you're letting into the White House.
omg that is nasty lol couldnt of happened to a nicer person ha! you brightened up my day, thats funny as hell.
It's not so strange that Americans are willing to put a nigger in the White House after fifty years of brainwashing. The South Africans voted to have themselves ruled by savages too, after all. I'll bet they wish they could have that vote again! It'll be the same for whites in the US. However, it really doesn't matter who or what is President, whites are still going to have a hell of a time at the hands of the subhumans in the future. If we survive as a race then we are going to have to have every trace of liberalism and equalitarianism and all the other jew poisons burned out of our souls.
I know a guy who works at MSNBC. He never said anything about fleas, but he tells me that the woman STINKS, literally. You walk down an air-conditioned hall two minutes after Michelle does and the place reeks of nigger, to the point of making you nauseated.
Barack looks like a Mack Daddy, like he ought to be wearing one of those old 1970s Super Fly suits. But Michaells looks like an animal of some kind, a jungle beast. The sight of her face makes me sick.
Letting those two goddamned bush apes into tne White House would disgrace the United States forever. What the fuck is WRONG WITH US? Do we have no real men left in America?
Better to have them in the White House then more-of-the-same GOP/ZOG toadies. Even though BO is a ZOG toady (or will become one, if he knows what's good for him), better to see the house come tumbling down quickly.
It's the slow death that killing us... the slow death of belief in the system and how we can work within it to return to the good ol' days.
The sooner white Americans get that picture out of their minds, the better.
It's official: Michelle Obama gets a pass from the media, period, no matter what she does.
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