Hi, guys:
This blog was something of an experiment in envelope-pushing. Now it is time to move on to the wider solution. A blog about assassinations that exist only in wishful thinking doesn't really fill that bill.
Assassinating Obongo would be "a consummation devoutly to be wished" as Shakespeare put it, but would probably not be of much practical use. The mysterious forces that put the nigger in office would still exist and we would still be ruled by criminals.
I run two blogs at a time; any more and I keep either forgetting to post or else I can't think of anything relevant to say. (Creativity is not a faucet you can turn on and off.) So I am abandoning this one, possibly only temporarily, and asking that all of my readers transfer their attentions to:
The latter blog is being revived and will concentrate entirely on Northwest Homeland and Northwest Front related issues.
It's been a blast, guys, although unfortunately, not literally. Thanks for all the great comments and the supportive remarks you e-mailed to me privately.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
This Is "Change"?
I note that the head of Obongo's "transition team," Rahm Emanuel, in addition to being the son of an Irgun terrorist who participated in the murder of thousands of Muslims, is also a former director of Freddie Mac and therefore one of those responsible for the housing market implosion.
This is "change?"
This is "change?"
Friday, November 7, 2008
Black Tuesday

Per the inspired suggestion of Comrade Adrian Van Helsing of Arkansas, I strongly suggest that from this day forth, November 4th, 2008 shall be known as "Black Tuesday," and that we make every effort on the internet and elsewhere to make sure this gets into the language and becomes common usage.
-Harold A. Covington
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Passive Resistance Ideas
Hi, folks:
I need your ideas and your input on putting together a program of passive resistance--little things that little people can do in order to resist and undermine The Baboon and his regime over the next few years, monkey-wrenching type stuff, psychological warfare, etc.
The important thing is that the enemy needs to understand that they have not won, not completely. They need to live with the gnawing fear that the spirit of the American people still exists in our hearts, that our spirits are not broken, and that things may yet escalate into a Red Dawn type of scenario if somehow we can recover some courage.
E-mail me at nwnet@earthlink.net or here at haroldcovington@gmail.com
I need your ideas and your input on putting together a program of passive resistance--little things that little people can do in order to resist and undermine The Baboon and his regime over the next few years, monkey-wrenching type stuff, psychological warfare, etc.
The important thing is that the enemy needs to understand that they have not won, not completely. They need to live with the gnawing fear that the spirit of the American people still exists in our hearts, that our spirits are not broken, and that things may yet escalate into a Red Dawn type of scenario if somehow we can recover some courage.
E-mail me at nwnet@earthlink.net or here at haroldcovington@gmail.com
Passive Reistance Ideas
Hi, folks:
I need your ideas and your input on putting together a program of passive resistance--little things that little people can do in order to resist and undermine The Baboon and his regime over the next few years, monkey-wrenching type stuff, psychological warfare, etc.
The important thing is that the enemy needs to understand that they have not won, not completely. They need to live with the gnawing fear that the spirit of the American people still exists in our hearts, that our spirits are not broken, and that things may yet escalate into a Red Dawn type of scenario if somehow we can recover some courage.
E-mail me at nwnet@earthlink.net or here at this address.
I need your ideas and your input on putting together a program of passive resistance--little things that little people can do in order to resist and undermine The Baboon and his regime over the next few years, monkey-wrenching type stuff, psychological warfare, etc.
The important thing is that the enemy needs to understand that they have not won, not completely. They need to live with the gnawing fear that the spirit of the American people still exists in our hearts, that our spirits are not broken, and that things may yet escalate into a Red Dawn type of scenario if somehow we can recover some courage.
E-mail me at nwnet@earthlink.net or here at this address.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Check Out Thoughtcrime
To those of you who have located Tyrannicide and are fascinated by my ouevre, but have missed out on my main blog, check out
There's something there worth reading.
There's something there worth reading.
He Should Know
"The strongest argument against democracy is five minutes spent with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill
-Winston Churchill
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama Is Not President Of The United States

A word of advice: for the next couple of weeks, don't read newspapers or look at any television news or go to certain web sites. The nigger triumphalism will be pretty hard to take, and there is no point in overwhelming ourselves with mindless rage. We must focus now on revenge against those who have done this, and on creating a country of our own where it will never happen again.
Whenever that grinning, bubble-lipped monkey-face comes on the television screen, turn it off. If you see it in a newspaper, turn the page without reading whatever Hymn to the Beast it contains. Concentrate your mind and your rage and your contempt for this system and the people in it on what has to be done. This world and this evil empire of filth and corruption must be brought to an end.
And remember--Barack Hussein Obama is NOT the President of the United States. He is an animal who has wandered into the Oval Office by accident and shit on the floor.
To quote the immortal last words of Joe Hill: "Don't mourn...organize!"
We Are The Damned

I think he's going to win for a number reasons, all of them vile and stupid:
1) He will win because the Establishment has already decided he will win. They decided it long ago when they plucked this creature out of the obscurity of Chicago's South Side, and they have greased the slides for him ever since.
Even in a system as corrupt as that of our liberal democracy, there are certain rules. Obongo has violated them with impunity, and gotten away with it. You don't just appear out of nowhere, with no track record, whole years missing from your biography, having been slid into the U.S. Senate by mysterious unnamed forces, then spend two years voting "present" on everything so as not to leave a paper trail, and then all of a sudden run for President of the United States with $150 million magically showing up on the internet every month.
Uh-uh. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark here. We don't know who the little man behind the curtain is, possibly the Goldfinger-like left-wing trillionaire George Soros, possibly oil-rich Muslim nations who are tired of American Presidents sucking Israel's dick and dropping bombs on their children. But we sense the little man's presence behind that curtain. He is there. Barack Hussein Obama is a sock puppet; we just don't know for who yet.
2) He will win because he is going to cheat.Obama wants what he wants, and he wants it now. If he can't get it honestly he's going to steal it. He's black, remember? Black people simply have no concept of the idea of private property, or that it is wrong to take things that don't belong to you. It's genetic; they don't have the necessary circuits for moral principles built into their DNA yet.
He's already been caught cheating, and the Obama-worshipping media has reported and then ignored it. (God knows what else they have known about and not reported; they only this weekend got around to telling us about Monkey Meat's Kenyan family living in this country as illegal aliens.) ACORN alone, an allegedly "independent left-wing public action group" (riiiiiiiight) has been caught filing approximately 1.3 million "new voter registrations," all of which are highly suspect. In the electorally significant state of Ohio alone, 200,000 ACORN registrations were challenged, not by the Republicans, but by local election boards who were finding dead people, convicted felons, non-existent people, babies, and in one case the entire starting line of the Dallas Cowboys registering to vote--and coming from ACORN, you know those bogus votes weren't intended for McCain.
3) He is going to win because our antiquated electoral college system has become so skewed after 220 years that a candidate no longer has to get a majority of the votes to be elected President.
All anyone needs is five states: New York, Illinois, Florida, Texas, California, plus a few more Rust Belt middleweights like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. It's amazing how fast those electoral votes can pile up; it is possible to win with only about ten of the fifty states voting for a candidate. Guess where most of the black and liberal votes in this country are concentrated?
4) The anthropoid is going to win because the Republican candidates are such incredible doofuses.It's like he was running against two of the Three Stooges. My own theory is that McCain was set up as a palooka to take the fall for Hillary Clinton so she could have her turn, as part of the agreement made between the two major parties a generation ago. The sudden appearance of "The One" seems to have upset everybody's calculations. Could someone tell me again exactly what the hell was wrong with Mike Huckabee?
5) Monkey Meat is going to win because there is an entire generation of nominally White youth who have been raised by the television set, and who have been conditioned from birth to believe that light-skinned niggers are "cool" and that they must live all their lives ashamed of being White. The niggers have the world's biggest sense of entitlement, and they have managed to sell most White people on the idea that they are owed some kind of karmic debt because their ancestors were made to work and were punished when they did wrong.
Bullshit. Blacks have taken their "reparations" in the form of trillions of dollars in welfare and oceans of White blood for the past 55 years, but now they want the White House and the right to tyrannize the people who were so unforgivably uncouth and unkind in the past as to make them behave like civilized beings for a while--a time only a few elderly people remember any more.
6) At the risk of getting all metaphysical here, Obama is going to win because God now despises us and intends to punish us.Or the gods, or Nature, or Cosmic Destiny, or the Great Pumpkin, or however one wants to designate the essential creative and dynamic spirit of the universe. We in this country were given this priceless gift, this mighty land from sea to shining sea, because we were the most beloved of (insert preferred Higher Power here)'s children and He wanted us to show Him what we could do. Yet we screwed it up, starting in 1619 when some idiots at Jamestown traded three kegs of perfectly good sippin' whiskey to some Dutchmen for 20 niggers.
Hell, up until the middle of the 18th century or so we had Jamaica, one of the most beautiful island paradises in the world. It was all White until early capitalists started bringing in niggers for cheap labor, just as today's capitalists have thrown open the borders to obtain cheap Third World labor. And we all know how well Jamaica turned out.
Tomorrow night the bill is going to come due for fifty years of disregarding Nature's laws, the facts of history, and the facts of human biology. The bill is coming due for spitting on the graves of our ancestors, for betraying everything they fought for and believed, for engaging in unspeakable and filthy sexual practices with dark-skinned animals and with each other, for our cataclysmic hubris in believing that we know better than the Creator who has clearly manifested His intentions regarding us and the way He wishes us to live our lives.
Some Christians believe that Barack Hussein Obama is the Antichrist. I'm not a Christian, so I view him simply as payback for our sins. And make no mistake, what we have done to this country is a sin.
We have seen in Zimbabwe and Rwanda and all over Africa what happens under black rule. We have seen it in Detroit and Atlanta and Washington D.C. Now we all get a taste. Enjoy your last day of the old world, folks, because as of tomorrow night, we are the damned.
Monday, November 3, 2008
It's Over--So We Begin Again

Even if by some twist of fate McCain wins, the backlash will be severe with sustained monkoid violence nationwide. It still doesn't change the fact that nearly 50% of white Americans were willing to put this coffee-colored metrosexual at the head of the country. Either way, it's over.
-Rob Smith
Well, then, I guess we'll have to make a country of our own, won't we? A Homeland for all our people in the Pacific Northwest. Celebrate Obongo's squalid "victory" by ordering a few copies of The Brigade, and place them where they'll do the most good.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Your Campaign Donations In Action (Or Mr. Soros's)

I had hoped this would reproduce a little bit better than it did, but oh, well. The document in the lower left is a room service tab from a swanky New York hotel in the amount of $447 and change, for a midnight snack of lobster and champagne, and it's signed by the Pri-Mate herself, Michelle My Belle. This may be the same New York hotel whose management complained that Michelle's bodily vermin had infested the mattress and they had to fumigate the room. Wish I could get hold of a copy of that bill.
Okay, fair enough, politicians and politicians' wives live high on the hog, or in Michelle Obama's case, resemble the hog. But what I wonder is this: what is going to happen along about June or July of next year, when you soul brothers have done got de O-Man into the Obul Awfice, and he and him ho' sittin' dere scarfing down lobster and champers and you bloods still be sittin' on de stoop drinkin' dat wine and chugging on forties, and basically, not a god damn thing has changed because de O-Man never really was a brother in the true sense--he is a freak, an accident of nature that never should have happened.
What will the niggers do when they finally realize that de O-Man has betrayed them, just like countless White presidents have betrayed us?
Obama's Aunt Illegal Alien Who Defied Judge's Order To Leave USA

When the Associated Press finally did their job of investigating this monkoid and this Kenyan woman's situation came to light, someone as yet unknown in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a nationwide directive requiring regional approval for any deportations prior to election day. So much for all those dog and pony show raids ICE is conducting. I guess no one wants to be responsible for deporting this kaffir nanny back to Kenya and then facing the wreath of The One when he shambles into the Oval Office in January.
This is the man we want responsible for enforcing our country's immigration laws? Or any laws, for that matter?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Bratty Barry Throws A Tantrum

The NY POST, WASHINGTON TIMES and DALLAS MORNING NEWS have all been told to move out by Sunday to make room for network bigwigs and for the inclusion of reporters from two black magazines, ESSENCE and JET. All three papers endorsed John McCain.
Despite pleas from top editors of the three newspapers that have covered the campaign for months at extraordinary cost, the Obama campaign says their reporters -- and possibly others -- will have to vacate their coveted seats so more power players can document the final days of "Sen. Barack Obama's historic campaign to become the first black American president."
This is so typical of black in America. They want what they want when they want it (like children) and when they don't get what they want, they throw a temper tantrum - which usually means pillaging and burning their own neighborhoods in riots. I guess since Hussein is trying to show he is something more than the typical negro, he will refrain from wrecking his own plane, but his typically black temper tantrum has resulted in reporters being ousted.
Suggested new campaign slogan: "Barack Obama, HNIC or else!"
-Hal Turner
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Mystery Nigger

You know, as odd as it sounds, if God hates this country so badly that for our sins we absolutely must have a monkoid President, I'd actually rather it be someone like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. Those monkoids are known quantities; we know who they are, we know where they're coming from, and everybody already knows they're full of shit.
But no one knows who or what this Funky Monkey is, and more importantly, no one knows who is running him. Hussein has virtually no paper trail and no past, and what little we do know of his past (i.e. Bill Ayers, De Rebbun Wright, and his now-sealed birth records) is quirky and raises even more questions.
I watched a bit of his incredibly expensive infomercial, (paid for by who?) and it confirmed my suspicion that this is one case where "light and bright" doesn't apply. We're looking here at a chimpanzee who has been trained to ride a bicyele. Okay, it's a neat trick, but no one seriously believes that the chimpanzee designed or built the bicycle, or even could have had any conception of the very idea of a bicycle on his own.
So who designed and built the bicycle this chimp is riding on? Who is the little man behind the curtain? Goldfinger-esque trillionaire George Soros? If not him, who? Where the hell is all this money coming from? Even the Kennedies and their old Jew handlers the Bronfmans aren't that rich. Who else besides A) Soros or B) oil-rich Arabs could afford to make millions of dollars per month magically appear in Hussein's coffee-colored paws?
Who is this creature, who is behind him, and why do they want to make him President of the United States?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Better A Week of Riots Than Four Years Of Obama

The sub rosa threat of criminal violence by blacks if Obama loses has always been present throughout this campaign. It is one of several large gorillas that are in the room but which we pretend we don't see, along with Obama's birth certificate, the mysterious source of his apparently unlimited funds, his bogus birth certificate along with his copnstitutional ineligibility for the office of President, and of course Michelle Obama herself.
Be interesting to see if we're so chickenshit that we will let these people "Mau Mau" one of their brothers into the highest office in the land.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Early Voting Indicates Polls Bogus, No "Big Obama Lead"

I can only hope - but I’m not holding my breath. California does tend to vote blue in national elections. But there are some signs it may not this year. I live in California and I have been frankly surprised at the lack of signs out for Obama. On my street there are ZERO signs for either candidate. And no bumper stickers either. I haven’t seen one Obama OR McCain sign in my entire neighborhood this entire election. (And I live on the west side of Los Angeles, in the 310 area code, hardly Republican territory.)
There are Obama bumper stickers here and there, but nothing like the Kerry or Gore stickers of past elections.
The other thing that might swing California to McCain are the Latino and Asian voters. I noticed a lot of them at the Sarah Palin rally here recently. They will not have “white guilt” making them vote for Obama and were probably the people who put Hillary over the top here in the primaries.
Finally, there is the PUMA factor. While many Obama supporters poo-poo the PUMA factor by saying that some polls show that Democrats are largely supporting Obama, they forget the following: MANY PUMAS LEFT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AFTER THE “NOMINATION.” Then there are PUMAs like myself who are still registered Democrat but plan to vote for McCain. The heavy Democratic skew of the polls is certainly not taking into consideration my defection!
There are indicators elsewhere due to early voting that the polls have been off and there may be a McCain upset. We shall see.
-Cindy Lou Who
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Frankly, I Don't Believe A Damned Word Of It

As to the "plot," it's bullshit. I don't believe a damned word of it. Remember, they already tried running one of these silly things up the flagpole during the Denver convention when it looked like Hillary was going to challenge "The One" on a floor vote and he needed a boost. You can always tell these little federal dog and pony shows because nothing is ever actually done. It's all just "conspiring," i.e. mostly drunken talk. Some federal informer got these kids drunk or stoned and talking shit, and voila! Instant assassination plot.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Pendulum May Be Slowly Swinging Back To Sanity

First off, I notice that Matt Drudge seems to have defected from the Obama cult. He is now covering stories which are actually critical of The One, and which imply that Monkey Meat may be of something less than divine origin. This is a significant course change from a few months ago when Matt Drudge would fall down and adore at the very mention of The One's ineffable Name. (Hallelujah, brother! Booga booga booga!)
Secondly, yesterday I took a nice long Sunday drive in the beautiful golden autumn weather, and I noticed something.
In the center of my little liberal Northwest latte town, where all the retired Baby Boomers from Portland and Seattle live in their gentrified houses with their big-city outside incomes, I saw the expected amount of Obama signs. But once you depart the aforesaid super-rich (by this community's standards) retired Baby-Boomer enclave, and get out towards the edges of town where people actually work jobs and most of them were born here, I saw literally nothing but McCain/Palin signs.
Now, for those of you who don't know this area--believe me, that's not supposed to happen. Campaign signs for a Republican, any Republican? Not in this neck of the woods, baby. This is the bluest part of the bluest state west of the Mississippi.
Until now, that is.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Federal Judge: Voters Don't Matter

The lawsuit, brought by the Democratic former Assistant State Attorney General of Pennsylvania, a Jew named Philip J. Berg of Pennsylvania, established as a legal fact that the Funky Monkey is not a "natural born citizen" of the United States. The lawsuit established as a legal fact that Obama was born in Kenya and, later was made a citizen of Indonesia. As such, Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for President.
The Constitution requires any candidate for President to be a natural-born citizen. Judge Surrick dismissed Berg's lawsuit, ruling any harm from an allegedly ineligible candidate was "too vague and its effects too attenuated to confer standing on any and all voters.
The ruling is legally incorrect on its face. Pursuant to Amendment Ten of the Constitution for the United States, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."Since there is no federal agency or person responsible for enforcing the Constitutional requirement that a candidate for President be a natural born citizen, and since there is no state law or state agency with such enforcement powers, then legal standing to deal with the issue falls directly to "the people." As such, Philip Berg did and does have legal standing to bring such a lawsuit. Sod does anyone else.
Judge Surrick knows this, or is supposed to know it. His ruling makes indicates that that either: 1) Judge Surrick is incompetent because he doesn't know the most basic laws of the nation, or ;2) Judge Surrick is corrupt because he knows the law but refuses to obey it.
This is pretty bizarre. The Federal courts have admitted that Barack Hussein Obama is a foreign national, ineligible to run for the presidency, and then said, "But screw that, we're going to ignore it."
Friday, October 24, 2008
Michelle Chimps Out, Fleas And All

by JB Williams
Hillary Clinton was right. Barack Obama is in so far over his unqualified head that he is getting caught up in his own tangled web of deceit before he can reach election day. And wife Michelle Obama just might be the person who ends his bid for the White House.
Had Howard Dean's DNC not cheated Hillary Clinton out of her nomination by silencing Florida and Michigan Clinton supporters to advance Barack Obama, we might not have the biggest story in presidential political history. Michelle Obama finally let her anger get the best of her and as she put it, "enough is enough!"
In a recent phone tirade with African Press International Mrs. Obama launched into a rabid verbal assault upon yet another press outlet that dared to print anything the least bit investigative about her husband, presidential candidate Barack Obama.
The conversation was apparently recorded and API promises to release that tape before the November election.
In that audio taped phone interview, Michelle Obama lit into API writers and editors. In a fit of unbridled rage, Michelle said more to disqualify her husband than all the right-wing bloggers in the universe could have come up with combined.
Here's her statement in full context, as reported by African Press International
"African press International is supposed to support Africans and African-American view, ye it is strange that API has chosen to support the racists against my husband. There is no shame in being adopted by a step father. All dirt has been thrown onto my husband's face and yet he loves this country. My husband and I know that there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president, just because some American white racists are bringing up the issue of my husband's adoption by his step father. The important thing here is where my husband's heart is at the moment. I can tell the American people that my husband loves this country and his adoption never changed his love for this country. He was born in Hawaii, yes, and that gives him all the right to be an American citizen even though he was adopted by a foreigner," says Michelle Obama on the telephone to API."
Three Pending Lawsuits
Democrat former Assistant Attorney General of Pennsylvania Philip J. Berg filed a law suit charging that Barack Hussein Obama is not a U.S. citizen and therefore, is not fundamentally qualified to run for the office of President. Berg's claim was based upon two fundamental assertions:
*Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii.
*Obama was adopted by Indonesian stepfather and enrolled in Indonesian school as an Indonesian citizen who never formally changed his legal status back to American citizen
Although Michelle Obama stated, "there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president," she might be very wrong about that arrogant assumption. It's called the U.S. Constituion...
Berg has since recently updated the status of his case to "admission by default" after the Obama campaign filed requests for dismissal or stay until after the election, but failed to respond to the demand for admission within the thirty day time window allowed by the court.
When you refuse or fail to properly answer the demand for admissions in a timely manner, you lose by default and all charges are instantly admitted by default.
A second suit was filed in Washington State and yet a third has now been filed in Hawaii...
Michelle Provides the Answers
"He was born in Hawaii, yes, and that gives him all the right to be an American citizen even though he was adopted by a foreigner," stated Michelle Obama.
Not so fast there, Michelle...
This statement openly confirms Berg's second foundation for asserting that Obama is not a U.S. citizen. He gave up any U.S. citizenship he might have once held when he was legally adopted by Lolo Soetoro, M.A. a citizen of Indonesia. Obama's Indonesian school records also confirm his status as the adopted son of Soetoro and a citizen of Indonesia.
Indonesian law did not allow dual citizenship at that time, which means in order to become a citizen of Indonesia; Barry Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) had to give up his American citizenship. This is exactly what Berg asserted in his suit, which the Obama main stream press continues to cover up today.
But Michelle gave up much more. Accusing API of colluding with American internet bloggers in an effort to bring down her husband, Mrs Obama said, "African press International is supposed to support Africans and African-American view, yet it is strange that API has chosen to support the racists against my husband."
In other words, the press is not supposed to seek or print truth, it's supposed to "support Africans and African-American view," according to Mrs. Obama.
"..It is strange that API has chosen to support the racists against my husband."
Yes, that is quite strange actually, isn't it... Why would the African Press International run allegedly untrue unflattering stories about the first African-American presidential candidate?
Equally odd is API reaction to Mrs. Obama's phone tirade.
From the ongoing API conversation with Mrs. Obama - "This is a very interesting turn of events. The American man Dr Corsi was recently reported to have been arrested in Kenya because there was fear that he might reveal information on Obama when he wanted to hold a press conference in Nairobi." API
"The question now is why he was arrested and who ordered his arrest. Was Obama's hand in this in any way? We will never know the truth but what is clear is that Dr Corsi was seen as a threat while in Kenya." API
I understand the potential political motivations of Corsi and World Net Daily, both political opponents of Barack Obama. But how do you explain the position of API?
API Reports - "When API asked Mrs. Obama to comment on why Dr Corsi was arrested by the Kenyan government and whether she thought Kenya's Prime Minister Mr. Raila Odinga was involved in Dr Corsi's arrest, she got irritated and simply told API not to dig that which will support evil people who are out to stop her husband from getting the presidency."
API Reports - "When asked who she was referring to as the evil people, she stated that she was not going to elaborate much on that but that many conservative white people and even some African Americans were against her husband, but that this group of blacks were simply doing so because of envy."
According to API, Mrs. Obama told API that "it was unfortunate that Mr Farakhan came out the way he did supporting her husband openly before the elections was over."
He should have waiting until after the election...
"Even if my husband was able to prove that he is not a Muslim, he will not be believed by those who have come out strongly to destroy his chances of being the next President. Do real people expect someone to deny a religion when 80 percent of his relatives are Muslims?" Mrs. Obama asked API towards the end of the call.
How to Make it All Well?
In closing, API reports than Mrs. Obama offered a means of reconciliation to API editors,
"Mrs. Obama asked API to write a good story about her husband and that will earn API an invitation to the inauguration ceremony when, as she put it , her husband will be "installed" as the next President of the United States of America next year."
Mrs. Obama does not seem to understand that we "elect" leadership in the United States. We do NOT "install" dictators who think they are above the law in some third world coup d'etat, like her husband's cousin pulled off in Kenya...
Case Closed!
Michelle Obama not only confirmed Philip Berg's claims than her husband is not even fundamentally eligible to run for President, she confirmed much more!
That leaves the subject of the American media blackout on Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama has been campaigning for president of the United States for two years now. ACORN is clearly committing voter registration fraud on his behalf. Millions in untraceable foreign campaign donations have poured in from God knows who in record setting volume.
He has a twenty five year history of hanging out with some of the world's most corrupt and dangerous friends and for two years the American press has established a full scale media blackout on all topics relative their chosen messiah, Barack Hussein Obama...
Americans know what to do about the seemingly fraudulent Obama campaign. But who do we see at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR and FOX about how in the hell a story of this magnitude was blacked out entirely by the so-called main stream press?
First the election... Then it's time to deal with an anti-American press!
Thank you, Michelle.
NOTE: Due to massive international interest in this story, API has established a telephone hot-line to answer related queries. To verify this story, visit API here -
For verification, API can be reached on 004793299739
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Of Course BO Will Win--By Cheating. He's Black, Isn't He?

Of course Obama's going to win. He's going to cheat. That's what blacks do. When they see something they want and they can't get it right away, they steal it. Obama's going to get a five-finger discount on the White House, courtesy of whoever the mysterious forces are who are backing him. 1.3 million mostly fraudulent voter registrations through ACORN alone, mostly in the six or eight key electoral college states, tell the tale.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Birth Certificate That Won't Go Away

1. Was Obama born in Kenya or Hawaii? Obama’s own grandmother in Kenya insists he was born in Kenya.
2. Regardless whether Obama was born in Hawaii or not, was Obama adopted by his Indonesian stepfather and did he thus lose his American citizenship in Indonesia as a child?
If Obama had Indonesian citizenship, he would have needed to go through the immigration and naturalization process to return to America as a citizen. If he has not done this legally, he could technically be an “illegal alien” and be deported. Either way, Obama would be disqualified to be POTUS because he would not be a “natural born citizen.”
Yesterday, a highly charged piece of news came out that Michelle Obama herself allegedly called API (African Press International) and spilled the beans to them in an angry rant that Obama was adopted by his stepfather. (We don’t have verification about this call, though it is rumored that someone has a recording of it.)
Today another lawsuit was announced this time in Seattle, WA, where Steven Marquis “filed suit in Washington State Superior Court against Secretary of State Sam Reed demanding verification of Barack Obama’s citizenship status.”
Here’s my take on all this.
I have to say, when I initially saw questions about Obama’s citizenship floating around the net, I was skeptical. I did not understand all this hoo-ha over what was alleged to be a fake birth certificate.
Now I am truly wondering whether Obama is trying to hide something. Why hasn’t he just handed over his documents to the court? Why was a motion to dismiss filed? Why is his legal team trying to do everything possible to stall this investigation? That to me is more proof of guilt than anything else.
Some have questioned Berg’s credibility, noting that he had filed a lawsuit charging that G.W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11. How is this a bad thing? I think that probably shows that Berg is not a Republican mole.
I am not holding my breath for something to come out of this - but I pray that if this does have legs, this will come out before the election. The court needs to stop dragging its knuckles on this one. If Obama is indeed ineligible, but he is elected before this comes out, we will have a civil war on our hands.
A petition to ask the court to demand that Obama produce the proper documents is available here.
-Cindy Lou Who
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Embittered Women May Yet Do This Monkoid In

The more I talk to PUMAs (online as well as in person), the more I find that lot of us are being cautious of not outright silent about telling the people around us who we are voting for. As many PUMAs have reported, I have lost friends this election season over my anti-Obama stance. The outright hatred and bigotry espoused about anything Republican has astonished me.
I am not a Republican, nor do I ever intend to become a Republican. I am voting against Obama because he stole the nomination from Hillary Clinton through caucus fraud. I know reasonable Obama supporters (believe it or not) who respect my decision to vote against Obama due to my strong feelings about voter disenfranchisement. Surprisingly, the Obama supporters who have flipped out on me are people I never thought were that political. You just never know who might ostracize you for having an anti-Obama stance, especially where I live, in California.
I often call California Obamaland, and here in the heart of Obamaland, I have heard stories of Obama pressures everywhere: People going to work where a life-sized Obama cut-out was put on display, with everyone posing and preening in front of it, or an office birthday party with the boss hijacking the celebration to bash Sarah Palin. I was in a class the other night where it was assumed everyone would be excited about Obama winning - I spoke up, by the way.
In this environment, I have heard many PUMAs are laying low and keeping their opinions to themselves. They are afraid of losing friends or worse, being fired.
I thankfully work for myself and so don’t worry about being fired; I’ve already lost some friends and realized that if they were really that politically bigoted and intolerant they weren’t good people to have in my life anyway. In fact, it was losing my friends that made me throw my hands up in the air and decide to speak up more against Obama. What did I have to lose? More hateful people? What the hell. I’ll just go down in a blaze of PUMA glory.
But I understand those PUMAs who don’t want to rock the boat and try to keep the peace with their Obama co-workers and friends. It is a really tough environment to be in, especially if you are in a place like Los Angeles. You feel like an alien on your own planet.
The upshot of this is, however, that I suspect there are more PUMAs out there than people realize. We get our support online through places like No Quarter. We may talk quietly to a few close friends but dodge the question of who we are voting for in public. Some, I have heard, outright lie and say they are voting for Obama just to shut their friends up; some quibble and say they are voting Nader to assuage their liberal friends.
This behavior has extended to polling. With stories circulating on the net of people being harassed by rogue pollsters for stating a McCain position, some PUMAs are either hanging up the phone when polled or saying they are undecided. One guy at No Quarter actually said he lied and said he’d vote for Obama, just to mess with the pollster.
Will this have an effect when all is said and done on November 4? Will McCain eke it out because people have been lying about their Obama support? We shall see.
In a fascinating article discussing conformity and how this might be in play this election season, the author writes:
"If your boss mocks McCain supporters, if all your co-workers express a desire to for Palin to be raped on national TV, if your family are all Obama volunteers, if the media tries to shame everybody into voting for Obama by stating implicitly and explicitly that only a racist would do otherwise, could you have the nerve to come out of the closet as a McCain voter?"
Maybe because I was always toeing the liberal line in past elections, I did not notice the conformity that was around me in the past. So now I am stunned at how much peer pressure there is here in urban California to be not just for Obama, but a Democrat. (And this actually started in the primaries, when I felt alone in a wave of anti-Hillary hatred burbling up among the leftists in the area as Obama’s star began to rise.) Now that I am on the other side, I am looking at some of my former friends in a new light, and seeing how horribly hateful, close-minded and angry they were all along.
No wonder people are being quiet or deceptive in this atmosphere.
The most chilling example of this was the Hillary supporter we met at the SoCal Sarah Palin rally, who was so afraid to be seen there that she could not tell us any identifiable personal information and was practically sprinting in the other direction if a camera turned her way.
Thus, while my evidence is quite anecdotal, I have seen and heard enough reports of closet PUMAs to feel that there is a much greater resistance to Obama than is portrayed in the mainstream media and polls. (And you have to wonder, with some polls giving Obama a 14% lead the same day other polls give him a 3-5% lead, something is seriously skewed - someone is lying, whether it’s the pollsters or the people being polled.)
How this plays out on election day remains to be seen. My concern, however, is that if McCain wins, as I believe he has a good chance of doing, the brainwashed Obamabots will be so blindsided that they’ll riot in the streets, thinking that somehow the election was stolen from them. Meanwhile, it was their own stubborn, evangelical, crazy cult-like behavior that kept them from hearing the differing opinions of the people around them, the anti-Obama sentiment that was there right under their noses all along.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Why Won't We Read The Warning Signs?

At least some of the money flowing into his campaign from all those mysterious credit card donations has been traced, and found to be fraudulent, so whatever scheme the Goldfinger-esque George Soros or whoever is behind this porch monkey has worked up to launder millions of illegal dollars into Obama's campaign via credit cards seems to have a few bugs in it, or else somebody's simply using it to steal. This has been reported in the media and then poof! gone, like Houdini made off with the story.
What would an Obama government be like?
Do the names Idi Amin, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Robert Mugabe, Mohammed Aidid, Fancisco Macias and Sekou Toure mean nothing at all to us? How about Marion Barry and Kwame Kilpatrick? Why, exactly, do we believe that black rule will work any differently here than elsewhere it has been tried?
Sunday, October 19, 2008

He's being run by somebody. There is no way this coon has the smarts to put something like this together by himself, and no way he raises the kind of money that is mysteriously appearing in his bank accounts out of nowhere without heavy, serious backing.
One theory is that he is a Muslim "Manchurian candidate." Another is that he is secretly being financed by Goldfinger-like liberal trillionaire George Soros in what is literally a Hollywood-style plot to take over the world. A recent news article discussed the fact the people getting their September credit card bills are beginning to notice unauthorized (and large) campaign contributions to the Obamanable Snowmen appearing on their statements; apparently Obama has now fallen back on good old fashioned fraud and theft to buy all those TV spots.
So once we install Monkey Meat in the Oval Office, exactly who is going to be running the country, and on what hidden agenda? Looks like we're going to find out, since it's obvious nothing is going to be done about it.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Arrest of Bill White
It is clear that last night's arrest of Bill White in Roanoke, Virginia by the FBI is intended to frighten and intimidate any critics of "The One" and have a chilling effect on any dissent against this nigger's elevation to the Presidency.
They might as well come for me too, and do it now, because I'm not backing down.
They might as well come for me too, and do it now, because I'm not backing down.
Friday, October 17, 2008
You Couldn't Make This Stuff Up

Prophet Yahweh Predicts Spaceships Will
Appear Oct. 31st in Support of Senator Obama
Prophet Yahweh, Seer of Yahweh, Master UFO Caller says that on October 31, 2008, superhuman black men, from other planets, will appear in their spaceships and hover over his UFO Summoning School for three days as a sign that all Americans should vote for Obama as President.
YAHWEH wants people to know that if Barak Obama (sic) does not become President, America will quickly be led into a war with Russia via Iran that will result in: a cut off of oil from the Persian Gulf, a great depression, stock market crash, runaway inflation, devaluation of the dollar, food shortages, riots, famine, race wars, out breaks of disease, etc.
Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) October 17, 2008 -- According to Prophet Yahweh: Some time before Nov. 11, 2008, more than likely before the presidential elections, and possibly on October 31, 2008, at approximately 12 noon, spaceships will start appearing, on my summons request, and hover over my school for all Las Vegans and media to see and film.
He goes on to say that: My UFO Summoning School is located by one of Las Vegas' housing projects in the middle of the ghetto. There I teach people the ancient art of summoning or calling down UFO's and spaceships on-command.
In anticipation of the spaceships' descent, Prophet is planning to install live, Internet broadcast streaming capability at his school. He is doing this so people, worldwide, can see him call down the spaceships on Oct. 31, 2008, exactly at 12 noon, and the spaceships that appear for the entire time they sit up in the sky.
Prophet says that he may be off a little with the dates and some details he gives, but let there be no doubt that something within the general overview of what he says is going to happen.
He claims that these space beings are the Angels of Yahweh, the Creator of all things. And, they are talking to him, on a daily basis, via a sophisticated form of telepathic, non-verbal, none-talk, brain-to-brain communication. Most of the time, when they contact him, he is sleep. At that time, he hears a voice speaking to him inside his head.
He also says that: Unless I am misinterpreting my visions, it's very likely that Yahweh's angels are going to descend down from space, in one of their spaceships, on two different occasions, in a different, single ship, each time, and hover over my school, in Las Vegas, NV for three days so the media can film them.
When asked why the spaceships will appear, Prophet boldly says that:
"One of the many reasons why they will do this is to show support for Presidential candidate Barack Obama. This will be done so people will know that Obama is the best choice to lead America through the troublesome times to come.
"YAHWEH wants people to know that if Barak Obama does not become President, America will quickly be led into a war with Russia via Iran that will result in: a cut off of oil from the Persian Gulf, a great depression, stock market crash, runaway inflation, devaluation of the dollar, food shortages, riots, famine, race wars, out breaks of disease, etc."
Barack Obama, as President, would do more than any other president to keep these terrible things from happening and hold back the tremendous suffering that would come upon the American people.
YAHWEH, the Creator of all things, wants all Americans to vote for Obama, and put him in the office of the President of the United States, so he can immediately go to work against the terrible times to come.
Prophet Yahweh is quick to reveal that his ability to call down sightings is devine and that the Angels of YAHWEH taught him how to summon their UFO flying machines or their spaceships on his prayer signal.
On May 25, 2005, KTNV ABC TV-13, in Las Vegas, NV contacted Prophet Yahweh to put his summoning abilities to the test. At that time, he made broadcast history as the first person to call down real UFOs for mainstream television cameras to film. The news segment, and the UFOs that appeared, can be seen on the "UFO TV News" channel that's broadcast via YouTube.
Prophet Yahweh is available for radio and television interviews and summoning of UFO's for the media to film.
Also, he is willing to allow television stations, and other media, to set up their cameras on his UFO Summoning School's grounds for perfect line-of-sight filming of the spaceships that will appear in the sky directly above it.
Contact Information:
Prophet Yahweh
prophetyahweh @ yahoo.com
Additional information:
Previous Press Release:
Prophet's UFO Broadcast Channel
Prophet's UFO Summoning School:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Convicted Obama Fundraiser Rats Out "The One"

by Mike Robinson
Associated Press Writer
CHICAGO - Jailed political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Chicago real estate developer who helped launch Barack Obama on his political career, is whispering secrets to federal prosecutors about corruption in Illinois and the political fallout could be explosive.
Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, whose administration faces multiple federal investigations over how it handed out jobs and money with advice from Rezko, is considered the most vulnerable.
Rezko also was friendly with Obama — offering him a job when he finished law school, funding his earliest political campaigns and purchasing a lot next to his house. But based on the known facts, charges so far and testimony at Rezko's trial, there's no indication there'll be a so-called "October surprise" that could hurt the Democratic presidential nominee — even though Rezko says prosecutors are pressing him for dirt about Obama.
"I think this strikes fear into the Blagojevich administration and the Statehouse Democrats but not into the Obama campaign," says state Sen. Kirk Dillard, R-Westmont, a John McCain delegate to the GOP convention but an old friend of Obama.
Rezko, 53, a real estate developer, was convicted in June of scheming to use his clout with the Blagojevich administration to squeeze $7 million in kickbacks out of a contractor and seven money management firms seeking to do business with the state.
Within two months, Rezko was seen in U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald's office, along with his attorneys.
There has been no official confirmation that Rezko is talking but his sentencing has been postponed indefinitely and both sides say they are going to "engage in discussions that could affect their sentencing postures."
"They never would have delayed the sentencing if he weren't talking — it's proof positive," said Jay Stewart, executive director of the Better Government Association of Chicago.
In addition, attorneys say federal investigators have been questioning Blagojevich contributions around the state using information that only Rezko could have supplied. Finally, courthouse personnel requesting anonymity because grand jury probes are secret said Rezko has been repeatedly brought from his cell to the U.S. attorney's office to talk to prosecutors.
Rezko could have a lot to tell. He has raised millions of dollars in campaign money for many Illinois politicians and according to federal prosecutors used his clout to control appointments to state boards.
Obama has sent to charity $159,000 that Rezko raised for his campaigns for the state legislature, the House and the Senate. Rezko raised nothing for Obama's White House run.
Obama's name came up in testimony at the trial four times, twice in connection with an obscure legislative memo, as a guest at a Rezko party and when defense attorney Joseph Duffy told jurors his client was a friend of the senator.
None of the witnesses accused the Democratic nominee for president of doing anything improper. In June, Duffy told the Chicago Tribune that prosecutors had not asked him a single question about Obama.
But questions concerning Obama's relationship with Rezko linger, particularly over Rezko's role in the purchase of the Obamas' home.
The two have known each other for years, starting when Rezko offered Obama a job after he graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991. Obama didn't take it, but a friendship developed.
The men talked politics frequently and occasionally dined together with their wives.
In 2005, the Obamas paid $1.65 million for their home near the University of Chicago. The sellers wanted a parcel they owned next door to sell on the same day, and Rezko's wife, Rita, was the buyer. At the request of the Obamas, Mrs. Rezko later sold them a 10-foot strip of land to enlarge their lot. They paid $104,500.
The deal took place while Rezko was under investigation and when details of the cozy relationship surfaced, Obama said it was a "bonehead" error to have asked for the additional land because it looked like he was getting a favor.
"I regret it," Obama said at the time. "I'm going to make sure that from this point on I don't even come close to the line."
McCain and vice running mate Sarah Palin have mentioned Rezko little if at all. But Republicans have aired a television ad focusing on Rezko. And McCain aides have repeatedly tweaked their opponent over the real estate deal in e-mails to reporters.
"We're delighted to have a debate on judgment with Barack Obama, who bought his million-dollar mansion in a shady deal with a convicted felon," McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said in August.
Blagojevich, meanwhile, got a black eye from the trial.
One witness testified that Blagojevich talked about hiring him for a major state job while his $25,000 donation to the governor's campaign fund was lying on the table.
Two attorneys testified that Blagojevich hinted that they could get lucrative state contracts if they raised money — possibly for a future White House campaign.
Obama's name has not surfaced in accounts of the investigation since the trial. But Rezko himself raised it in a letter to the judge months ago.
"Your Honor, the prosecutors have been overzealous in pursuing a crime that never happened," he wrote. "They are pressuring me to tell them the wrong things that I supposedly know about Gov. Blagojevich and Sen. Barack Obama."
CHICAGO - Jailed political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Chicago real estate developer who helped launch Barack Obama on his political career, is whispering secrets to federal prosecutors about corruption in Illinois and the political fallout could be explosive.
Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, whose administration faces multiple federal investigations over how it handed out jobs and money with advice from Rezko, is considered the most vulnerable.
Rezko also was friendly with Obama — offering him a job when he finished law school, funding his earliest political campaigns and purchasing a lot next to his house. But based on the known facts, charges so far and testimony at Rezko's trial, there's no indication there'll be a so-called "October surprise" that could hurt the Democratic presidential nominee — even though Rezko says prosecutors are pressing him for dirt about Obama.
"I think this strikes fear into the Blagojevich administration and the Statehouse Democrats but not into the Obama campaign," says state Sen. Kirk Dillard, R-Westmont, a John McCain delegate to the GOP convention but an old friend of Obama.
Rezko, 53, a real estate developer, was convicted in June of scheming to use his clout with the Blagojevich administration to squeeze $7 million in kickbacks out of a contractor and seven money management firms seeking to do business with the state.
Within two months, Rezko was seen in U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald's office, along with his attorneys.
There has been no official confirmation that Rezko is talking but his sentencing has been postponed indefinitely and both sides say they are going to "engage in discussions that could affect their sentencing postures."
"They never would have delayed the sentencing if he weren't talking — it's proof positive," said Jay Stewart, executive director of the Better Government Association of Chicago.
In addition, attorneys say federal investigators have been questioning Blagojevich contributions around the state using information that only Rezko could have supplied. Finally, courthouse personnel requesting anonymity because grand jury probes are secret said Rezko has been repeatedly brought from his cell to the U.S. attorney's office to talk to prosecutors.
Rezko could have a lot to tell. He has raised millions of dollars in campaign money for many Illinois politicians and according to federal prosecutors used his clout to control appointments to state boards.
Obama has sent to charity $159,000 that Rezko raised for his campaigns for the state legislature, the House and the Senate. Rezko raised nothing for Obama's White House run.
Obama's name came up in testimony at the trial four times, twice in connection with an obscure legislative memo, as a guest at a Rezko party and when defense attorney Joseph Duffy told jurors his client was a friend of the senator.
None of the witnesses accused the Democratic nominee for president of doing anything improper. In June, Duffy told the Chicago Tribune that prosecutors had not asked him a single question about Obama.
But questions concerning Obama's relationship with Rezko linger, particularly over Rezko's role in the purchase of the Obamas' home.
The two have known each other for years, starting when Rezko offered Obama a job after he graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991. Obama didn't take it, but a friendship developed.
The men talked politics frequently and occasionally dined together with their wives.
In 2005, the Obamas paid $1.65 million for their home near the University of Chicago. The sellers wanted a parcel they owned next door to sell on the same day, and Rezko's wife, Rita, was the buyer. At the request of the Obamas, Mrs. Rezko later sold them a 10-foot strip of land to enlarge their lot. They paid $104,500.
The deal took place while Rezko was under investigation and when details of the cozy relationship surfaced, Obama said it was a "bonehead" error to have asked for the additional land because it looked like he was getting a favor.
"I regret it," Obama said at the time. "I'm going to make sure that from this point on I don't even come close to the line."
McCain and vice running mate Sarah Palin have mentioned Rezko little if at all. But Republicans have aired a television ad focusing on Rezko. And McCain aides have repeatedly tweaked their opponent over the real estate deal in e-mails to reporters.
"We're delighted to have a debate on judgment with Barack Obama, who bought his million-dollar mansion in a shady deal with a convicted felon," McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said in August.
Blagojevich, meanwhile, got a black eye from the trial.
One witness testified that Blagojevich talked about hiring him for a major state job while his $25,000 donation to the governor's campaign fund was lying on the table.
Two attorneys testified that Blagojevich hinted that they could get lucrative state contracts if they raised money — possibly for a future White House campaign.
Obama's name has not surfaced in accounts of the investigation since the trial. But Rezko himself raised it in a letter to the judge months ago.
"Your Honor, the prosecutors have been overzealous in pursuing a crime that never happened," he wrote. "They are pressuring me to tell them the wrong things that I supposedly know about Gov. Blagojevich and Sen. Barack Obama."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Personal Digression
by James Kunstler
The G-7 world, the club of "developed" western nations plus Japan, has commenced an ordeal of suddenly waking up much poorer. All the desperate work-arounds being engineered by governments and central banks on an al fresco basis are intended to overcome this stunning basic fact, and none of them will. The benchmarks of everything are in flux -- stocks, bond values and yields, commodity prices, most especially currencies -- but these tend to disguise the basic fact of growing and spreading impoverishment.
(In other words, Mac and The Bunge have kissed ass and looked the other way while our father literally got away with murder for all these years, for nothing. The money for which they sacrificed their honor and their basic human decency is probably gone now, unless they're both a hell of a lot sharper investors than I give them credit for, and they are most likely going to die just as dirt poor as I am. HAW HAW HAW!)
Is oil priced at $80 a barrel this morning? That's nice. Except if the company that employs you is about to fold up and you face a holiday season of driving frantically around Atlanta in search of another job, which the odds are against you find finding. Or if you're living on a retirement fund that's just lost 37 percent of its value and it's time to fill the heating oil tank.
Iceland is the poster-child du jour for this. The little island nation of about 320,000 souls (roughly half of Vermont's population) lately grew a banking sector that thrived on something-for-nothing finance. In little more than a month, its banks have imploded like mini death stars, leaving Iceland with a pariah currency. Since it has to import just about everything, and it suddenly finds itself unable to pay for imports, the people are stripping the grocery markets of whatever remains there now. You wonder what they will do in two weeks. Ten years from now there may be 32,000 of them left, subsisting on blubber sandwiches.
I exaggerate perhaps a little, but who really knows where all this leads? Here in the USA, the Treasury, enjoying new and seemingly limitless powers of discretionary spending, has begun shoveling dollars into every truck that backs up to the loading dock. The numbers are staggering. In ten days it's reached into the trillions in loans and handouts. Most of this money is getting sucked directly into the black hole of debt and margin calls of one kind or another. This is previously-presumed wealth that is now un-presumed. It's leaving the system, never to be seen again.
One useful way of thinking about it is to regard it as our society's previous borrowings against our own future. Thus, we are seeing our future vanish into a black hole -- our future comfort, health, and basic nourishment.
This is the kind of fiasco that brings down governments, propels societies into revolutions, and starts wars. In a few months, America will be full of angry economic losers. We're not the same nation that crowded around the old radio consoles for Franklin Roosevelt's fireside chats. Back then, we were mostly a highly-disciplined, regimented, industrial society full of citizens who mostly did what they were told to do, and mostly trusted in authority. Today we're a nation of tattooed barbarian "consumers" with no impulse control, a swollen sense of entitlement, ruled by a set of authorities ranging from one G.W. Bush to the grifter-billionaire pantheon of Wall Street CEOs -- now heading into secret bunkers with their stashes of krugerrands, freeze-dried veal Milanese, and private security squads armed with XM-8 carbines.
I go along with Nassim Nicholas Taleb's idea -- read The Black Swan -- that nobody really knows anything. We construct our narratives to try and explain circumstances that are unraveling non-linearly before us, and some narratives are more plausible than others, depending on your vantage point.
There are infinite narratives. This is nothing more than my narrative. The circumstances we're entering appear, for the moment, to take the shape of a compressive deflationary depression with the cherry-on-top add-on of a hyper-inflation further down the road -- meaning initially that jobs, incomes, and pensions are lost, but that later on even the little money that people manage to get -- perhaps mostly from government hand-outs of one kind or another -- steadily loses its value.
Every way you jigger things, it just ends up meaning the same thing: a much poorer society. It certainly won't be a society of recreational shoppers plying the Target store aisles for scented candles and home accents. (My italics) Hyper-inflation could make old debts meaningless, but it would also make credit meaningless and spending absurd.
Given the way our society has evolved to operate -- as an endless upward spiral of borrowings -- you can see an awful lot of things not working anymore, and an awful lot of people not working in them or at them. Maybe the governments of the G-7 will get lending unstuck at the upper levels, but who, exactly, is able to borrow now besides companies on the verge of bankruptcy -- and why continue to lend to them? (Except to maintain the pretense that "something is being done.")
Besides, there's much too much previously borrowed money that won't ever paid back, and the "work-out" of all that debt only implies the continued distress sale of any-and-all assets -- so that the USA in effect becomes yard-sale nation.
Personally, I think all the rejiggering in the world of numbers and indexes will not solve anything, and really only represents a kind obsessive-compulsive neurosis related to numerology that will do nothing to readjust our daily activities toward the production of things that have real and enduring value.
In my narrative, the fate of industrial nations really depends on energy resources. The price of oil may be going down for the moment -- perhaps due to the deleveraging of hedge funds, banks, and invested individuals, perhaps combined with a perception of "demand destruction" -- but the geology and geopolitics of oil have not changed since June of this year when oil was at $147.
Let's say US oil consumption is down one million barrels of oil a day. Within the next two years, we're liable to lose more than that in import declines from Mexico and Venezuela alone. The International Energy Agency's latest estimate is for only slightly less of an increase in worldwide oil demand than was previously posted. It's still a net demand increase. World oil consumption still exceeds world production now, perhaps permanently so. Finally, the current plunge of oil prices has suddenly halted the very capital ventures in exploration and development that were hoped to increase the worldwide supply of oil. All this portends an aggravation of oil supply and allocation problems in the five years ahead, and ultimately much more expensive, harder-to-get oil.
What we can't face is the prospect that we might become something other than an industrial "consumer" society. (My italics) My narrative includes the conviction that we will have trouble producing food for ourselves as petro-agriculture fails, and since society can't go on without food production, I see this activity coming back much closer to the center of our daily lives. We're not ready to think about that. The downside of our unreadiness may be that a lot of Americans will go hungry in the decade ahead.
None of this is an argument for despair, by the way, but it certainly invokes the need for steeply revised expectations and serious attention to a national "to-do" list. We're on our way to becoming another nation, whether we like it or not. No amount of numerological augury or even hand-wringing will change that. The big question for, say, the 24 months ahead is: how disorderly will we allow this transition to be?
[I'm sorry, but the likelihood that those two pernicious vermin who share my gene pool have committed all these crapulous deeds for nothing, and they may end up living (or existing) on more or less my own economic level, because I was right all along, is just an absolute SCREAM. I couldn't refrain from sharing it.
Okay, maybe I'm off base here. Maybe those two are going to be among the ones who do end up desperately burying boxes of Krugerrands in their basement, and then spending the rest of their lives worrying that the local black or Mexican gangs now roaming North Carolina may hear that the old white man in a certain house is supposed to have real money hidden away, and pay him a midnight visit. Maybe they will in fact find some way to keep on riding the gravy train with the ticket they bought with their souls.
But not likely. It's going to get bad, dudes, there won't be anything but a Chicago street nigger in the White House who doesn't know shit from shinola, and who won't be able to save you (even if he gave a rat's ass about your wrinkled honky carcasses.) I don't believe either of you have the smarts to think your way out of this, or save much of anything. Daddy beat the habit of thinking out of you years ago, unlike me. It would involve your actually using your brains to analyze the state of the real world, which is somethng you have spent your entire lives avoiding.
Okay, sorry, couldn't resist a quick cackle of Schadefreude there. Back to BO tomorrow. - HAC]
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