Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama's Aunt Illegal Alien Who Defied Judge's Order To Leave USA

It now appears that Hussein's Kenyan aunt is an illegal alien. She was denied political asylum by an immigration Judge in 2004 and ordered to leave the United States. Instead, she disappeared, and like most blacks ended up in public housing, in her case, in Boston. (Compare this with the treatment of Simon Sheppard and Steven Whittle, the Heretical Two, White scholars from Great Britain who have been held for three months and denied bail in Los Angeles merely for the "crime" of walking up to an official at L. A. international and requesting political asylum. Clearly, in this as in so much else, there is one law for the White and one law for the dark-skinned.)

When the Associated Press finally did their job of investigating this monkoid and this Kenyan woman's situation came to light, someone as yet unknown in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a nationwide directive requiring regional approval for any deportations prior to election day. So much for all those dog and pony show raids ICE is conducting. I guess no one wants to be responsible for deporting this kaffir nanny back to Kenya and then facing the wreath of The One when he shambles into the Oval Office in January.

This is the man we want responsible for enforcing our country's immigration laws? Or any laws, for that matter?


  1. My God! An actual photograph of Barack Obama with BLACK PEOPLE! Gee, I'd never have guessed from the media coverage.

  2. Not just any niggers either, but his two Kenyan half brothers. No doubt they will be made generals in the mighty US army or heads of internal security to control any uppity whities.

  3. I can't believe that any white would be stupid enough to vote for this coon, on his record alone.

  4. Thank you for all you do, Harold, and God bless you for speaking out against The Beast.

  5. Why can't you believe that any white would be stupid enough to vote for this coon? I can think of plenty of whites that I know personally who would vote for him. There are millions of white liberals out there who really believe that niggers are just like whites. Who actually believe all the insane crap the kikes and their minions have been foisting on us for generations.
    Remember that white South Africans, who were a healthier group than white Americans, voted to hand power over to a pack of sub-human savages and their kike handlers.
